Bali 2015

I went to Bali - Eat Pray Love -  Bali. 

And finally got round to blogging it. 

I wasn't sure what to expect as everyone, apart for one person, I had ever spoken to had raved so highly about this Australian playground.  I can be very critical having been lucky enough to have holidayed in many different parts of the globe - North, South, East and West. So having said that I went with a totally open mind and heart as my main enjoyment from travel is getting a taste of the unique culture each new place has to offer. 

Expect the unexpected.

We travelled through the night arriving in a clean and modern airport, expecting to be collected by the arranged driver - that didn't show. Over 2 hours later we arrived at our hotel after heading up every wrong turning possible on the way, as the official taxi company in Bali, didn't have a clue where we were heading!!!!!.


The hotel (Being Sattvaa) staff were so friendly and had waited up for us. We couldn't see much of the hotel in the dark, so as we were wearily shown to our room we were taken aback with just how 'fairytale' it was - we couldn't help but jump around excited like 5yr olds; the tiredness a distant memory. 

I will always remember Bali by those initial moments.

Over the coming week we ventured over much of the Island. Markets to Temples, Volcanos to Holy Waters and of course the Eat Pray Love rice fields. We experienced 'cat-poo' coffee,  getting nearly washed away by rough seas, a man with long black artificial nails - on one hand only?? and a volcano the week before it sent out ash stopping half the world from flying.

My overall opinion - you may not like it - but its a personal opinion based on my overall travels throughout the world:

I feel most of the prices in the Balinese cafes and restaurants are based on Australian prices and this was unexpected as parts of this Island seem extremely third world. You constantly need to look down at where your walking as you could break your ankle on the broken pavements, and the rubbish in places is criminal. 
The beaches were very over rated as Australia and Europe have some of the best beaches I have ever seen. The tour guides, that you are delivered into the hands of, at each landmark could not talk a word of English and seemed to be in such a hurry to shuffle you around and out again, it made us feel uncomfortable, especially as I like to absorb our scene, smells and sounds.
However ........ Ubud and the rice fields are a treasure to be seen; there are some glorious places you would not want to visit without a camera.

There were real peaks and troughs to this holiday, its left me uncertain I would ever return.