I just had to include some of the millions of photographs I took in Rome last year; I fell in love with Rome, all the history, the vibe and atmosphere of Rome; I enjoyed every minute. Even when I was so tired and my feet were swollen from all the walking, I couldn't wait to see what the next morning would bring.
I went as a birthday celebration with my sister, another keen photographer and I realised its the only way to travel when you visit somewhere like this. As I am sure any non-photographer would have got really fed up waiting for me to take the thousand-or-so photos that I came home with. There was smoke coming out of my camera I swear !!! lol.
Rome is to die for, everywhere you turn it screams 'take my photo'. There are hundreds of grand churches some are well advertised in travel books, others you find whilst walking through the narrow streets, which gives an sense of excitement and just for a few minutes you can believe you are the only person that knows its whereabouts. The city is swamped with Roman ruins, again some we planned to visit, many we tumbled across and felt privileged to find. For anyone that's been to Vatican City, it speaks for itself. It really should be on every body's tick list.
Rome really moved me, I am not religious, but you don't have to be, to feel blessed. Blessed that there are still places in our world that leave you speechless ... I can't wait to have the opportunity to visit again.