Designer wedding dresses in gale force winds and the midday sun, where not even a speedlight or a reflector blowing in the wind !!! could rid the facial shadows .... ummm, that was a challenge lol. But hey isn't that what life's about ? testing and pushing your boundaries.

Directed by: Natasha Pascoa and Lizzy Malone, these gorgeous dresses, made by Hilde Heim were beautifully modelled by Chareese Barta and Belinda Wright who battled the elements admirably to bring in some great images.
Make up artist Naomi Slee, from 'The Art of Make Up & Beauty',


Elissa  -  (Brisbane portrait photographer)

With only a couple of weeks to go before Elissa's first bundle of joy is in arms, she felt she really should capture the occasion before it was too late.
So we spent a glorious afternoon at Southport, Gold Coast,  with wonderful lighting and a stunning sunset, having fun and capturing this moment in time :).

A precious little girl has been born, since this session.


Violet     - (portrait photography)

'Like mother, Like Daughter'

I  had a wonderful late afternoon session with a gorgeous mother and daughter duo last week on  Suttons Beach. It was a glorious day, if a little windy ... but at least it wasn't the forecasted rain.

Violet has her mums laid back personality, kind nature and her beautiful eyes.  Lucky me to have such a great duo to spend the afternoon with :)

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Violet    -      Portrait photography

A frame from yesterdays session with young Violet; she is such a little cutey

More to come