Cooper and Co

Cooper & Co     {family portrait}

I loved this session, 
beautiful weather, 
beautiful people 
and gorgeous little Cooper. 

What could be better. 


Belinda and Stewart

Belinda, Stewart and Bump

What an absolutely gorgeous couple, fun loving, easy-going and just lovely to work with :) . 

Belinda so wanted a beach themed maternity shoot, and being limited to a specific date with Stewart working away, we had booked, planned and prayed for a sunny day .... the only day we could shoot on ...

Alas we woke to rain, .... rain and ... yep more rain ...

Changing location, I had to convince (a little disappointed) Belinda, it was all going to be great and although we could not go for the original plan, the B-plan would work beautifully... and it did ...

Armed with umbrellas and jumpers we headed to Mt. Cootha botanical gardens in the hope of catching a break in the weather, but equipped if necessary to go with the flow.

Big smiles ... 

we cut that break .. the sun didn't exactly come out but it stopped raining for precisely an hour or so. We had such a lovely session and captured some amazing images. Belinda and Stewart's love for each other and the excitement of the pending birth of their firstborn made the session so easy. It was a real joy to capture these images for such a great couple. 


Bekk and Josh

Bekk and Josh

I first met Maddie from Etta Photography a while back at a Kelly Brown (Little Pieces) workshop. Maddie a well established wedding photographer, was looking for a change of direction to give her more time with her young children. I was still at college at the time and looking for .... well ..... any direction really!! lol......

I have heard time an time again to try and specialise in one area you enjoy most. 

I have thought about this constantly over the last year or so, without reaching any conclusion. Because, every time I shoot a wedding and spend the day in the emotional wrap of two blissfully happy people in their moment  -  I think this it, "this is where I'm meant to be" ... wedding photography :)  sharing special days with beautiful people. Heaven.

But then ... I shoot a family portraits ... and we have 'so' much fun and I laugh so much, that I come home thinking "this is where I need to be" spending quality time marking moments in time with happy families. I love children .. the good, the not so good and the really cheeky and I know these moments captured are so special to the parents, its just beautiful.

But then ... I'm asked to do a newborn photography session and I just adore babies, love having sneaky hugs and cuddling a new life. I love giving new mums adorable images of their precious little ones. And then I'm confused again and think ... "maybe I should concentrate on this area it makes me all warm and fuzzy".

See ...
really I love capturing any of these moments for happy loving people. I love capturing moments in time. Moments we can never repeat, moments that mean so much to the people I shoot for. So I have decided that I cannot possibly at this stage pick one field ... just one field  ... no way!!! 

I love them all. 

But anyway back to Maddie at Etta Photography :) Maddie and I hit it off straight away at Kelly's workshop, we are both straight talking, caring people and so we remained in touch over the months and when Maddie mentioned she was preparing a wedding workshop, I thought this is just the perfect scenario for me, to show support for a great friend/person and to see how someone I have come to admire worked. 

The workshop was very informal/low key which .. I loved .. as I felt so comfortable to ask precisely what I needed to know, those who know me can imagine this scene lol - but there was plenty of time to really discuss each attendees specific queries. I'm positive everyone came away with so much relevant info. Maddie had also organised two stunning models and this was the best part for me ....... as it was raining and miserably wet, capping that off we went to the most un-obvious place to shoot; a small muddy, grassy verge at the end of a cul-de-sac. 


what an awesomely great idea to really test us and show/push us to be creative ... I loved it. We had to work out where would be best to shoot the couple, how to pose them and how to avoid obstacles and the muddiest parts (as best as possible)in order to create a great portrait etc etc. A really down to earth realistic scenario. We don't always have the luxury of beautiful settings that shout photo op here!!.. photo op there!!! , and so it was great experience and unlike any workshop I'd been to before.
I think its important to keep attending workshops - however experienced you are. Its important to your creativity and you can always learn something new from others. One is never perfect ! I am not vain enough to think I can not learn from others !

All in all it was a great day and I can highly recommend it to anyone. 

These are my images from the day ... I think considering what was going on behind the scenes they are awesome :))))))(even though I say .. vain? who mentioned vanity? lol  )



Abbey and Ben

Abbey & Ben     {family portrait}

Finally, finally, finally ... I managed to get my two favourite people in front of the camera. 

Let me introduce my 'favourite' daughter, Abbey, and my 'favourite' son, Ben. They are my life. I always describe them to people as, Ben and I are so very similar 'two peas in a pod', and Abbey is my BFF.

My life is taking a different path and I am heading back to my homeland in a few months. Ben is staying in Australia, which is just so, the right decision for him ... but it hurts so much to know that in a matter of weeks we will not be on the same side of the world. 

Abbey has just gone off travelling and is thinking of staying on in London. Saying goodbye to her brother at the airport was heart wrenching. I never thought I would ever be in this position with us all being at different parts of the globe. I had never really imagined that we would not be living round the corner from each other. 

It has thrown me completely ...

With this in mind my lovely kids finally said they would have a photo session with me. So - no rain checks or time to change clothes etc, I threw them in the car and we went to the local Brookfield show grounds.

I absolutely adore these images, not only do they mean so much as its the first time they have allowed me to take their images, 

but its the last time for a long .... long .... time they will be together ... at all. 

They had so much fun, they made my life easy. They threw themselves into the session, especially the sack racing and as a result we captured some of my all time favourite images ... ever !!!!. 

I thank you both so much ... 

these images mean so much to me

I love you