
Ziggy - {newborn photography}

I love my dad

This is why photography is so wonderful - a moment captured forever. 
I love this image, taken recently in my studio with natural light. 
The very moment Ziggy, 12 days old, looked up at his dad, their eyes met ... magic

So beautiful


People of Brighton

People of Brighton 2012

Back home in Brighton last year
with my camera in hand
walking the streets
wow... such diverse and interesting people,

maybe if I'd stopped talking ... I could have taken more images lol :P

But Brighton beware!!!

mad woman with large camera will be on the loose once more ... I'm coming home :)

to be a Brighton (east sussex) photographer ...Yayyyyy !!


Kayden's cake smash

Kayden's Cake-smash - {portrait photography}

OMGosh ....  so much fun ....

little Kayden celebrated his first birthday with a cake-smash, 

and boy did he smash it ....

ate it ....

trod in it ....

and generally made a right mess. 

He was so chuffed with himself 


Daisy - {baby portrait}

Back in July 2012 I visited my homeland, and took the opportunity to shoot this gorgeous girl. 

Now I'm heading back to Sussex (uk) later this year - I was so stoked to be asked to photograph little Daisy's new brother or sister, arriving in Nov. What a lovely way to launch my photography business on the other side of the world. 

Book your session now - dates available from Nov 15th 2013. (Weddings from Jan 2014)

Exciting times :) ..... 

Brighton Beach - (UK)

A hot summers day in 2012 - the seafront of Brighton fills up  

The population of the south east of England descends on the promenade of Brighton and Hove. Heading for the West Pier, I was met by a Beatles tribute band with an audience as large as a full on concert, basketball matches, beach volleyball, fairground rides, paddling pools, market stalls and hoards of people sucking up the sunshine and supping on an ice-cold beer. Amongst all this was a small group of street dancers.

sunshine and beats

can't wait to be back in the vibe :)

Portrait photo sessions - fundraising for children in need

I first visited Nepal back in Jan 2010. 

It changed my life.

There is something very soul searching about living amongst people who seem so positive and happy to be alive, to have a job - any job, and are happy to share their few possessions. It is very humbling and made me totally evaluate my life, and see the bigger picture. 

The tour was organised by Renee French with her husband David Cansdale, and was designed to raise funds for an orphanage they had previously visited -  the Childrens Welfare Centre, Nepal, CWC. 
The tour totally inspired us all, and on return we founded a registered Charity: Childrens Aid International inc, CAI
CAI thrives today under the watchful eye of Renee. 

In Jan 2012 I returned to Nepal, as a leader of the annual tour, raising over $16,000AU and giving 10 fantastic participants the holiday of their life. The tour takes in plenty of major landmarks, Trekking in the Annapurna Ranges, riding/feeding/bathing elephants and of course spending plenty of time with the 50 kids cared for at CWC - taking them to the cinema (Their once a year treat), games day in the park, CWC's got talent and much much more...........

CAI continue to support CWC through fundraising activities, such as market stalls, movie nights, sponsorship programs and organised tours. If you would like to become involved or would like to know more about their fund-raising activities please jump onto their website or Facebook page.


If you are thinking of having a family photo session 


would like to support this worthwhile cause