A few years back I visited the gorgeous island of Lifou as part of a Christmas cruise. I didn't know anything about photography back then, but armed with my camera set to auto, I marched off the boat into another world.
After nearly killing ourselves marching up to the top of the hill to view the local landmark and tourist highlight; then puffing and gasping for a drink we marched all the way back down. Plunking ourselves on the beach where we had a swim and lazed in the sun, where we were immediately joined by a group of children who thought it would be great fun to be photographed. So promptly started to get our attention by proceeding to entertain us by running in and out of the water and splashing about. (With mums permission) I hurriedly started shooting... I just love candid photography especially children.
These photos are not great, and not all sharp (tut tut!)....
oh what I could do given the same opportunity again!!!
It was like Christmas all over coming across them in my study tidy-up;
they bring back so many wonderful memories,
and I just love them (regardless of faults).