It was my extreme pleasure to be the chosen photographer to capture this wonderful family, and I would like to start this blog with you guys following this link -
(please watch Nicole's interview (video) too - on this link)
Nicole's story
Nicole is one of the bravest, humblest, most gorgeous people I have ever had the honour in meeting. I am forever gobsmacked by her dignity as she faces this terrible disease. Nicole has pioneered to spread the awareness of Melanoma and endeavours to educate people with not only identifying the warning signs and prevention, but offers advice on how she herself has dealt with the disease, since she was diagnosed.
After first spotting a changing mole, then six months later a lump under her arm, Nicole has been in and out of hospital receiving treatment and trialling new drugs. She cherishes quality time with her family and when her health has allowed she has managed to tick lots of wishes off her bucket list - from visiting New York to spending time on the 'Home and Away' set.
Sometimes people come into your life,
and you know right away that they were meant to be there,
to serve some sort of purpose,
teach you a lesson,
or to help you figure out who you are
or who you want to become.
Thank you Nicole
If you wish to know more about Melanoma please follow this link