
Walkies  - {nothing serious just a bit of fun}

Meet Tilly and Jet, my dogs.  

Tilly 13yrs, is officially 'not wired right', and is a prozac junkie, along with pain killers for her bone disease and tropical medication to combat her itching as her body is covered in walnut sized warts. Totally bonkers - and possibly might-en have seen this ripe old age had she not been part of our family. I truly believe she was supposed to be with us, I don't think anyone else would have the patience. Saving grace - TOP rat catcher! 

Now Jet is only 3, and has recently gone from a cheeky kid-like youngster, into a full on - grown a pair of balls - silverback. After having his first attempted kill in our garden which saw me carrying a semi alive huge lizard down to the local creek in our pool-net the other day. Mad sight!!!, this has left Jet as pleased as punch and ego the size of a Doberman. 

I thought it would be fun today to take my camera out on our walk. Its a lot harder than you think, controlling two mad dogs and SLR. Neither were too impressed with the big black box clicking away, and were more interested in finding just that right blade of grass ...........